
Welcome to the Disciple-Making Pathway! Following Jesus is a journey—next step by next step. We’re not just wandering aimlessly; no, we move with direction and purpose. That kind of movement needs a plan and a path, a GPS for the journey. The Disciple Making Pathway is your GPS as you journey with God next step by next step.   

You became a New Disciple when you DISCOVERED faith in Jesus. You became a Growing Disciple as you DEVELOPED you faith in Jesus. And now, as you continue your journey, you become a Disciple-Making Disciple as you DEPLOY your faith in Jesus. You have come to understand this: It’s not about you! At this point on the path, “You Guide Others” into their next steps as you continue to share what you have discovered and how you have developed as a disciple. 


Deploying Faith in Jesus



Resources are grouped based on their corresponding GuideMark. Choose the GuideMark you want to start Deploying in!


Some of our resources come from Right Now Media. Create an account before you go for access to these resources. Follow the instructions below!

1.Go to

2.Enter your personal information and click next. Don’t forget to check that you have an affiliation with BPF.

3.Now you have access to SO MANY great Christian resources!