My Last Pick’s Pointe

As I wrap up last things in preparation to pass the baton of leadership to Randy and leave for a 12 week Sabbatical, I wanted to express my thanks to you for trusting this youth minister at heart to lead you to become a Church for the Unchurched.

It’s been an honor call you my people, my flock. You owned this vision as you served wherever needed while inviting folks to church and into intentional relationships for the purpose of loving them towards Jesus. I’ve had a front row seat watching God grow the seeds you planted. The chorus to a song we often sing expresses the joy in my heart:

All the glory and the honor to the Son
My sins are forgiven
My future is Heaven
I praise God for what He’s done
— "What He's Done" By Passion Worship

And there’s much more to come. I am so grateful God sent Randy Dane here 16 years ago in preparation for this moment in our church’s life. I assure you he is ready. He loves Jesus and he loves you. God has given me so many glimpses into our future as I’ve listened to Randy’s heart and watched him lead. I’ll be happy to call him my pastor in the days ahead.

I’ll wrap this up with what’s ahead for me and Kathy. We’ll travel a lot this summer mostly visiting our kids and grandkids, other churches, and in July, Eastern Europe. We’re going to encourage IMB missionaries who are tirelessly serving refugees in the wake of the awful war in Ukraine. The Gospel seeds they and others have been planting for decades are now springing up into a great spiritual awakening. 

When we return in August I’ll begin a new role as Mobilization Pastor. My first priority is helping deploy you guys to your highest and best place of service; either here at Brazos Pointe, or wherever God sends you. Outside of our Fellowship I’ll continue to support and encourage church planting and international missions through a number of organizations and ministry partners through which God has called us to serve alongside.

As we continue to share the Good News of Jesus with those who have yet to hear, remember, it’s not about us.

Live Bold,
