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Small groups have always been the heart of BPF Students

We know that students connecting with each other in a small group of leaders and peers has never been more important than now.

As we prepare to jump into a school year unlike anything we have ever experienced in Student Ministry, we are committed to finding creative and safe ways for students to continue to develop relationships and grow in their walk with God.

We will continue to track our community and local school districts as they make decisions this semester.

Below is our plan for Fall 2020.


Phase one - (Driveway Groups)

  • Beginning September 2nd, our small groups will begin meeting as “Driveway” groups, which will meet outdoors in a leader’s driveway, patio, or predetermined location. These gatherings will be non-contact, socially distant, and masks will be required when unable to physically distance (when not 6ft apart, trips to bathroom, etc.).

  • After the first gathering on September 2nd, each small group will determine a day and time that works best to gather during the week for the remainder of the semester.

  • Our small groups will walk through the Gospel of Mark together this semester and small group discussion will be centered around the weekly chapters and questions, not on a weekly livestream.

  • Every Wednesday evening our Student Ministry Team will post digital content (live stream, video, interview, etc.) which will be an additional way to stay connected.

  • There will NOT be a weekly video to watch & discuss. Small group discussion will be centered around a reading plan through the Gospel of Mark for the semester.

  • Every week your group will read 1-2 chapters before your gathering based on the reading plan. We will provide discussion questions for you to lead your group through.

  • These groups DO NOT need to be on Wednesday or at a certain time. After the initial gathering on the 2nd, you can determine for your own group a time & day that works best for gathering online. You may find that Wednesday’s still work best, or you may find another day/time more effective . Ultimately, we want to make it as easy as possible for students to connect with you.

  • (You will want to pick a time/day that will also work for the transition to phase two)


** We will transition to PHASE 2 once we feel it is safe to do so based on the number of cases in our community **


phase two - (Once a month gathering at BPF)

In addition to continuing to meet in driveway groups

  • We will gather JH & HS students once a month for a Student Service at each Brazos Pointe campus. Small groups will meet in building immediately following service.

  • Groups will meet in clusters (groups of 10 or less) throughout the entire night. Students will not be allowed to interact with any person outside of their cluster.

  • Health screenings and temperature checks will be preformed at the door. Masks will be recommended.

We will continue to track and follow our communities and local school districts as the semester unfolds. We will communicate any changes in our phases here (website), parents newsletter, social media, and through our small group leaders.


Frequently Asked Questions

Updated August 14th


What if my student is not comfortable meeting in “driveway” groups?

We will work with each small group and student to help them zoom/facetime in with the group during their meeting time if they are uncomfortable with physically meeting.

Are masks going to be required for “Driveway” Groups?

We will be requiring students and leaders to wear masks during the moments they are unable to physically distance. Because of this, we will ask that every student bring a mask every week.

When/where is my student’s group meeting?

After September 2nd, our groups will be meeting on different days and in different locations throughout our community.

If you do not know where/when your students group is currently meeting you can have your student reach out to their small group leader.

If you have not participated in a small group before - YOU CAN SIGN UP HERE!